Seeing again some Icicle Clad Hill / Cliff Sides in my Area, This Winter, -Has Prompted this Suggestion of mine here.

And that is to Make Note of Where you See them, -Towards Having a Much Better Idea of Where the Springs and Other Groundwater Sources are, Come Dry Spells next Summer!

Of course this Only Applies to Those who Live or Operate in such a Wintertime Icicle / Spring Seep, type Area.

In Winter, you can Readily See, such Seeps. In the Highly Visible form of Icicles. Trying to Do the Same in the Heat of Summer!, and When you may Most Need such Water, -Can be a Good Bit Harder Task!

Vegetation can Additionally Hide such Sources as well. Though It can also Suggest or Indicate It.

So if you can Take Mental or Written Note of just Where such Groundwater Sources are At, in the Winter when Hillside Icicles Signpost it so!, -This can be of Great and Useful Benefit, Later in the Dryness and Drought of Summer. -Even in a Not so Droughty Summer.

This Shows you Springs, Seeps, and Other Groundwater Sources for Upcoming Summertime Dry Spells. In Rockcuts, Hillsides, Cliffs, Hillbases, Natural Rock Outcroppings, Etc.

Take even More Note of the Larger or Longer Lasting Ones, during that Spring Thaw Icicle Melt. These would be the Last to Melt. And These would Indicate the Greatest of Springs and Underground Water Sources.

Of course, also in Winter, You can Break some of these off, and Use them for Water Sources. You can also Store and Transport them, for Later Water Needs.

Of course, When the Summer or Other Drier Times Comes, then such Springs and Water Sources may Have a Good Deal Less Water in them, than they Show in those Winter Icicles. But Many of them are Still Quite Likely to Have at least Some Water yet Present, Thruout Dry Times or Drought. This will be one of your Surest Bets!, -Tord Locating Groundwater Sources in the Drought or Summertime! Make Note of These Sources and Locations! And in the Winter, While you Still Yet Can!

This includes Noting at what Sedimentary Rock Layer such Spring or Seep comes from. This is Prominent in many of the Exposed Hillsides in my Area.

This can also Come in Handy towards Well Drilling, or for Locating and Tapping Into Other such Groundwater Sources and Means.

Summer is Coming, Winter is Soon About to End and be Gone!

Towards this First One just mentioned, -Make Tabs on your Present Wintertime Second One!, -While you Yet Still Can! Some Upcoming Hot, Dry, Dusty Summer Day!, -You may Look Back and Be Glad you Did!

Take Note where those Hillside Icicles are in This or any Upcoming Winter! Apply That towards Knowing and Locating Groundwater Sources for the Dry Droughts and Summers to Come! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (02/29/04 04:22 AM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.