Having worked in the field of Laboratory Animal Science for close to 30 years, I feel I have some working knowledge in this area. Let me assure you that it is safe to use polycarbonate bottles for the consumption of water and other similar liquids (soups, coffee, tea, etc.), the detergents used in most laboratory animal facilities are by far more concentrated and of a chemical compositions not available to the consumer. The leaching of BPA’s from cages and water bottles made from polycarbonate has been observed for some time in laboratory animal facilities. It is the combination of the cage washing detergent and high temperature washers (>180 0 F), over long periods of time, neither of which the public will have their water bottles exposed to, that causes the leaching. Keep in mind also, it is not the occasional exposure to the BPA’s that is a problem but daily contact with the chemical, to which the rodents were exposed. Many laboratory animal facilities no longer use the particular class of chemical detergents that caused the problem and have switched to other detergents and are no longer seeing the problem. As with many controversial issues, fiction rather than fact is often perpetuated in the media and numerous web sites. Pete