This is my walking buddy, Ziggy, He's mostly Jack Russel Terrier (or Jack Russel Terrorist to our two cats). He's nearly 11 and still as feisty as he was as a pup. His pack carries a couple of meals, booties, spare collection bags and an extra lease. I learned through this forum that dogs shouldn't carry more than about 10% of their body weight. (Think ETS regular Susan taught me that, where has she gone to?)

We keep a week or two of dry food in 5 gal plastic tubs for both the cats and the dog, usually have some pet meds on hand (our vet trusts my wife's instincts for recognizing when they aren't feeling well). My first aid kits include vet wrap and gauze for them. We do need another cat carrier for a bug out situation but we could get all of them with food into the car in an emergency in just a few minutes.

Both the cats are neighborhood rescues. I think cats must have the ability to sense which houses are feline friendly, all of our cats have adopted us!