I am just about to join the PLB generation, especially after considering that I have enough packs, ropes, knives,and stoves to last several lifetimes. What I don't have, and could really use, would be a PLB - light as possible, of course, so it would be on my body when SHTF. I have already started the ball rolling, pointing out that I have been a good boy (well, fairly good, anyway) and that maybe Santa could drop one off.

When I dug into the literature, I was happy to see the ACR units available and well regarded. For years I carried the ACR Firefly Rescue Lite, employing it to provide our location to choppers performing hoist operations during mountain SAR in Arizona. It was an absolutely marvelous item. Hit the switch and in no time you had a chopper hovering overhead, lifting your cares and problems away.

I hope they can settle and, one way or another, provide good unit for sale. PLBs are clearly useful tools - the more (and lighter) the better.
Geezer in Chief