Its not the end of the world.

But the economic shift of wealth to China is real,just read they are now the Number One economy in the World.

Prepare for what that economic shift entails and that should suffice IMO.Its way more than just income,its what loss of wealth entails to your society as a whole.

My Mom REFUSED to watch the news and lived her whole life maybe you can OD on news.

Dont live in fear,get up to speed then refine within REASON,when we go overboard in anything and miss balance then things get sticky.

Im glad my wife is on board 100% with my politics.

We spent a fair amt getting to where we are at,but really we are just getting back to 1900 preps,and it worked well for them.We never crushed our savings to buy preps,we used disposable income only.

As said about history,there is a lot of good things we can learn from the past.

So we have some protection,a pantry and power and water and food and shelter.Could be better,but Im not Bill Gates,Im a schmuck but still believe in Grand Parents and Great Grands knew what its about in making a secure home,they did it,we can too without going overboard.

Mike,my Dad had a hypoxic incident.He was a guy who could multiply 6 digits by 6 digits in his head,after that would tell you 2 and 2 is nine and swear by it,only part of brain that was affected that we could tell,amazing!