. . . Here's a list of the gear I have in the Escape at this time . . .
. . . Dyno Flashlight - (Emergency Cell phone charger)
Chemical Warmers (20 count) + 2 in Plastic tote
Fix a flat
Sealed pack of wet wipes/Wet Naps
Fire Starters
Insect Repellent Wet-naps . . .
RNewcomb - thank you for providing the excellent and well thought out (comprehensive) listing of the emergency items you keep in your vehicle.
If I could only choose one item from your comprehensive list to keep in my own vehicle, it would be "Fix a flat".
My only suggestion would be to carry at least two cans of it and to be sure to get only the highest quality (usually the most expensive) "Fix a flat" type product that is available. I've had good luck with NAPA's premium fix-a-flat. From my own expiernce (plenty in regard to flats in remote areas - due to the hazards of my business), there's a big difference between the high quality Fix-a-Flat type product and the standard. Even then, I use two cans of premium for each flat.
No matter what anyone says, don't worry about fix-a flat causing the tire to get out of balance in a major emergency.
Fix-a-flat tire fixer will get you home . . .
The stuff works good for that.