I enjoyed reading this articale as it probably pertains to most of American families , I find it odd but most us are alike in many ways , because One of us is a prepper or survivalist or whatever you want to call it while other family members just go about there business on facebook, twitter and what texting away!
After reading this I came to think ,"whats the best way to introduce the family to my way of thinking "?
Ok I am a Marine my wife was never associated with the Marines or the military until she met me in 2005 , now here it is 2012 7 years later and she's more into the Marines than I am , yes I have the license plates on all my cars and stickers and flag out front (what Marine doesnt?) what Im getting at this , I never forced the Marine issue upon her nor did I tell her to buy this or that , if you were in the Marine you know it never leaves you , so you talk about things quite but, thats my point on being prepared.
My wife never gave a thought about the Marines , never thought about back packing, food storage , weapons and ammo , supplies , you see what Im getting at ? Its a process and it might take a few years but right now , my wife is on board , she wont admit it ,but she buys clothes ,food and other items she otherwise wouldnt have bought without me in her life , talking about the lifestyle in a subtle way over a period time as results , and I didnt even plan this , I happened to read this post and noticed how my wife has changed!