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#25124 - 02/26/04 09:57 AM Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
These would also be Great in a particular Urban Situation. -To Block Out that Sea of Loud, Blaring, Glaring, Shallow and Callow, Low Leaning, Impositional, Morally and Otherwise Offensive, Etc. Etc. Etc.!, -rap and hip hop!, that somehow Passes as "Music" to some These Days!

Please Don't Get me Wrong, -There is and Long has Been, a Lot of Good, Quality, and Exemplary Black and Other Music Around!

But rap and hip hop, as we so Long and Overwhelming Know It!, is NOT Among Them!

And I even Liked and Respected Rap a Bit Per Se!, when it First Came Out Round 89 or so.

But I had a Trepidational Caution about it too! In my Gut, I Held Little to No Hope of it's Continueing to Hold at Least a "Basic Decency Ball" in the Air! And Sure Enuf they Havn't! In Very Short Order, They Took a Complete or Virtually Complete Downward Turn!, to the Bottom of the Barrel!

I'm Sorry!, (Though Here I've Nothing to be Sorry For!), -But Things like Woman Trashing and Cop Killing!, -Are just so Far Down Beneath and Below the Line!, for me! Such is Utterly Unacceptable! It's a Real Stooping Less and Low!, and at Other's Uncared For Expense to Boot!

When we Are to Be, ( Pardon my Necc.Use of my Own Signature.), -Realistically but Definitly Upward, Self Respecting, Morally Conscientious, Warm, Loving, and Positive! This is Where our All Round Accents and Focus Should Be!, Not at a Less of Oneself, Lowest Common Denominator! - I Utterly Reject That View of Their's! I'm Trying to Stay Clear of Politics or Controversy. Consider this to be in the "Momentary Rant Department" Concerning this Quite Predominant Trash and Noise which Passes for So Called "Music", -We're to Realistically but Definitely Strive Toward a Constructive, Civil, Upper Focus! And NOT just StoopTo a Shallowest, Callowest, Lowest Common Denominator!

It's my Personal Lean and View, and some Others may have a Different One. So I'm Not Trying to Force my Personal View. But I Importantly Suggest it. I Have to Part Company, Where People Want to Stoop Lower in the Expression of Theirs! I Really Think People should Do So in a Civil and Constructive, Not Down or Destructive, of a Way. If I Must Decently Speak Down of them, to Constructively Criticize them in this Regard, then So Be It. They Bring it About, and They Step on my Foot! A Part of our Civil Society, is that Peoples "Rights" End, -Where They Start Stepping on Those of Others! The rap and hip hop Crowd as it Predominantly is!, Has Got both That, and a Low, Offensive, Down Focus. So I'll Make my Personal View *Available*, But I'm Not Foisting or Forcing it on Anyone.

If such "Artists" and Performers have Got Something to Say about Life or Society!, -Then Fine Enuff! But Do It in a Constructive, Civil To All Around you, Generally Upward, Leaning and Leading of a Way! "Cop Killing" References, and Much Else they Put Forth!, Are Just Only Low Go!, and Utterly Unacceptable!

It and Other General Moral Slides in the Society, -Can Be the Moral Ruination and Downfall of our Country and Society!

The "Progressive" Moral Degeneration of the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and Now 2000's of Such here! I've Concernedly Seen it All !, -Round and About me!

Now Far from Everything's All Bad! But a Good Bit's Less of Ourselves and Not Good! So Much of the Whole rap and hip hop Scene, Since the Late 80's, is the Latest New Lows Dip! They / We Act Shameable of Ourselves So! And They / We Erode the Very Base Upon which we Stand!

Beyond only Such Considerations, This "Music" is Very Rudely, Offensively, and Imposingly Loud and the Like! To Us Others who Have to Hear it!, as we just Try to Walk By on the Sidewalk!

I Don't Know How it is in Other Cities, but in Many Parts of Mine here (Pttsbg.), You Get a Tidal Blast of this All the Time!

They Drive By in their Cars, More Often than Not, Windows Rolled Down! You'd Think they'd Have a Little Consideration! What Ever Happened to their, "Don't Bother me, and I Won't Bother you!"? That Went Out their Window at some Point Too!

This is a Traffic and Public Safety Hazard as Well ! As Regards Road Sounds, that a Motorist Needs to Hear!

Also, They're Gonna someday be Less Able to Entirely Unable, to Hear! This is Itself also a Traffic and Safety Hazard! And Itself also a Relbing On Imposition! Degrading their Own Hearing is One Thing. Thats Sad and Bad Enuff. But Don't Imposingly Degrade Mine Any!, Thru my Having to Secondhand Hear!, Such Blared and Blasted Forth Noise Pollution!

What Ever Happened to Disturbing the Peace?! What Ever Happened to Their Being a Public Nuisance?!

Others of them now Do Considerately or Happenstancely Have their Windows Fully Up, -Keeping at Least some Portion of their Full Blast Inside. But even here!, Many a Decibel Comes Blasting Out All the Same! Again, It's a Forced Infringement and Imposition of Their's!

Windows Up or Not, -So Many of them Sound as though they're Gonna Blast and Vibrate their Cars Apart! I Sneeringly to myself Wish them Luck!, in That Regard! As I Dismissively Wave them on Down the Road! Or Literally and Visibly, Plug my Ears!

I Feel Like Saying to them, -"You Call that Music!?" They Won't Listen Anyway, Plus they're On Much Too Loud to Even Hear that Anyway! It's my Own sort of Silent Protest. After a Woul of it, I Finally Unplug my Ear(s), perhaps Accompanied by the Words, -"Are You Gone Yet?!" Many of them could be Half Way Across our Downtown, -Before you Hear the Last of their "Sound"!

At Least in Half of such Situations, I can Survive Fine Enuf without so Plugging my Ears. Bad as the Offending Source yet Is! But I Often nevertheless just Want To Plug Them so. In This Situation. Again, It's Often something of a Real Need to Do So! Once in a Wowl One of them Does Look Up or Over to Notice, and my Displeasure and Disapproval is Clearly Registered and Known.

Jazz it is Not! Soul it is Not! Gospel it is Not! Rhythym and Blues it is Not! Even Country Charlie Pride!, it is Not!

Upward it is Not! Considerate it is Not! Exemplary it is Not! And though Technically it can be Put to Notes on a Scale, -Music it is Not!

This is my Personal Feeling, Sensitivity, Sensibility, and View. It is Not Hate or Anything. Unlike What can Often be said of Them! (They Themselves often Say such Hate!, to Women, Cops, and Others.) It's a Case of Hating NOT the Sinner, but Rather the "Sin" they Do! And that they Happen to Subject Others To!

Some of you may Not Fully Agree with me, but I Think that Many of you Don't Exactly Care For this So Called "Music" either!

Long Before This, I was Similarly Offended by Much of Hard Rock. And I Still in Ways there am! But I like a Lot of Good Ole Rock and Roll Too!, -Especially Pop, Adult Contemporary, Country, and Easy Rock! Personally, Give me Anyday Glen Campbell, Jackie DeShannon, Bobby Goldsboro, Joe South, Petula Clark, or for a More Nowadays One, -Vannessa Williams singing "Colors of the Wind"!

But with These New Lows as Have Come About!, in rap and hip hop and their Like, as it so Long and Predominantly Now Is!, -Much of the Hard Rock I Grew Up With!, -Now Seems an Exemplary, Comparative, Paradise! At Least Rock Often Really Said Something! Anyone can Stoop Low! We're However, to Realistically but Definitely Go Towards the All Round Other Direction! -Do I Have to Draw Them a Picture of It!?

So even with Personal Moral Sensibilities Aside!, The Sheer Boom Boom Base Impositional Volume of it All!, -Is Plenty Reason Enuff to Apply Earplugs here! This Goes Back to my Original Point, of *This* Being a Great Use for Earplugs Too!

As Well as for Other Large, Loud, Jarring, Grateing, or Otherwise Unpleasant Sound or Noise as you may Encounter in Life!

For Urban / Suburban / Rural and Wilderness Survival or Survival Related Situations. And for Other Things in Life, such as the ( Non-Pure Survival ) Urban Situation, as I Mention. I'd Find Earplugs Very Useful Here as Well ! And I'm Sorely Tempted to Do So! Of course I Too Have Got to yet be Able to Hear Road, Sidewalk, and Other Surrounding Sounds. But While Still Tending to That!, I Have a Good Mind To Apply Earplugs here! Earplugs are Good for These such Areas of Life Too!

This was Prompted as a Reply to the "Ear Plugs" Thread on The Survival Forum. Being Not Directly Related to Survival, however, I've Decided to Put It here. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (02/26/04 05:08 PM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#25125 - 02/26/04 03:02 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.

At last and not soon enough I say, you are pretty much spot on. I`m pretty forunate down here, Australia is not as bad as the States thankfully. But we do have this culture developing in the kids. What [email]s@#ts[/email] me is watching the video clips for these songs and seeing all the rap stars carrying on like [email]D@#kheads[/email] in all their jewelery and accessories. Not only that but listening to them f%$kup the english langauge with words like CHU (you) and Thur (there). We are teaching a generation of kids to speak like uneducated tossers, and these kids are the future.
WE ARE [email]F@#$ED[/email]

#25126 - 02/26/04 06:53 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
bountyhunter Offline

Registered: 11/14/03
Posts: 1224
Loc: Milwaukee, WI USA


#25127 - 02/26/04 07:11 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
WOFT Offline

Registered: 05/10/02
Posts: 391
Loc: Cape Town, South Africa
The same happens to me. I think it is linked to the e-mail address for some reason <img src="images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />.

'n Boer maak 'n plan

#25128 - 02/26/04 07:18 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
M_a_x Offline

Registered: 08/16/02
Posts: 1205
Loc: Germany
Those links are mailto links. They are supposed to work this way. The adress doesnīt seem to be valid. I canīt comment on why they were put in that post.
If it isnīt broken, it doesnīt have enough features yet.

#25129 - 02/26/04 07:32 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ki4buc Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 11/10/03
Posts: 710
Loc: Augusta, GA
UBB Boards have an auto parser that look for the at symbol. So, stuff like [email]here@nowhere[/email] appears to be an email address. Placing a backslash before the at symbol will prevent it. here\@nowhere.com. This backslash technique is a common syntax when working with parsers in programming.

#25130 - 02/26/04 10:09 PM Re: Earplugs(high lighted.)

My apologies for the high lighted expletives it was because I incorporated the AT symbol.
Once again my apologies


#25131 - 02/27/04 04:24 AM Re: Earplugs(high lighted.)
Doug_Ritter Offline


Registered: 01/28/01
Posts: 2206
Actually I was hoping that perhaps you would apologize for the rather liberal use of expletives period. Sort of ironic that you're cursing about kids and their effect on society when your own language suggests a lack of vocabulary to adequately express yourself without recourse to expletives, which I somehow doubt to be the case. I really think we can do without the need to pepper virtually every message and in some cases every sentence with them. <img src="images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> This is a family forum and hiding expletives behind some punctuation marks is not fooling anyone and is just as unacceptable as if you were writing them out in full or speaking them in polite debate or conversation. 'nuf said, I trust...
Doug Ritter
Equipped To SurviveŪ
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation

#25132 - 02/27/04 06:24 AM Re: Earplugs(high lighted.)

Please except my apologies and I will keep my posts purely neutral.

#25133 - 02/27/04 10:55 AM Re: Earplugs(high lighted.)
Doug_Ritter Offline


Registered: 01/28/01
Posts: 2206
Thank you. "Neutral" isn't necessary, there is plenty of room here for passionate and enthusiastic critical discussion. All we ask is that it be kept civil and non-commercial.
Doug Ritter
Equipped To SurviveŪ
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation

#25134 - 05/19/04 07:28 AM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
NY RAT Offline

Registered: 09/19/03
Posts: 256
Loc: brooklyn, ny
i totally agree with you there.
i personally dislike hiphop, but i do somewhat like the older rap that became popular as i grew up because it had more positive messages.

the problems are these:
1.respect - the people blasting this crap have none, when the windows on the BACK of my house rattle at 3 am on a weeknight because of their stereo systems power.
but yet if people started screaming at them to turn that crap down or off we are branded as "being offensive" or "intolerant " or some p.c branwashing like that, making us feel guilty for speaking up.

but its ok if were all subjected to listening to this filth with more cursing and sexual descriptions then you can imagine filling a 60 second period of time while children are all around coming out of a nearby school.

now i admit I dont have the cleanest vocabulary, but i NEVER speak like that around children.

2. the media and the race card - lets be honest here, the media loves to jump all over stories of police racial profiling and such. but ive seen car loads of white kids playing the same crap as loud, its not a race issue its a culture issue.

in any case more often then not recently ive seen these clowns blasting their music so loud not caring for others hearing, even with a cop car RIGHT NEXT TO THEM but NOTHING ever happens to them!
it was so bad that a full block away i cant talk on my cell phone because its STILL too loud.
but the cops (who in this case were both white) totally ignored the vehicle right behind theirs on the avenue making store windows rattle because If they fined these morons (who in this case were black) as the current noise pollution law says they have to, you know it woulld somehow get blown out of proportion and wind up on tv with the cops labled "racist" so they do just nothing at all about the noise levels now.

sorry for the rant, but im an insomniac as it is, and these past few nights these idiots keep waking me up between 2-4 am and then i cant get back to sleep at all.

so i scan this site alot and often respond to these old threads, (its new to me though heh.)
been gone so long im glad to be back

#25135 - 05/19/04 03:33 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Amen!, Amen!, Amen!, Amen!, Amen!, Amen!, Amen!, and Amen!, -To So Much of! / and Everything!, -That you've Just Said! As Well as What Pegasus Earlier Said!

I Can't Rattle Off my Total Case or Reasons regarding it Right Now! On What Is and Should be a Stupid Side Matter Anyway!

In That we as Individuals and a Society, -Should Be Better of Ourselves than to be Even Doing *This* Kind of Rap and Hip Hop, -so Predominantly Prevalent Nowadays! -And For a Long Time, -Since About 88 or 89 Too!

I Know that Many of them would at least Say, that they are Only Honestly Speaking of their Own Real Life Experiences. But if This is the Real Life of their Environment and Experience, -Then This Doesn't Speak Well of Them in Such! Or of Parts of our Society in General!

We as a Society Shudn't Be Turning variously Wrong Like That, in such Quarters! Makes More of my Whole Point! Rather than Taking Away from it.

They Kind of Set a Whole, New, Wrong "Base Standard", -of Which They Operate From! When This is a Wrong Base and Standard to Begin With!, and Shouldn't be the One that Some Operate From. In the First Place!

In Some Ways Some of it May be a Reality, -But it *Shouldn't* be the Reality!, -In Other Words. They Didn't Have to Stoop or Sink variously Low Like That! To Start With!Thats What I'm Getting At.

They Shud Set a New, More Commonly Decent, Higher Reality Standard! For Themselves. Which They Can *Then* Operate From as their Reality Standard! I'm Duly All For Speaking of One's Reality! But Have Yourself a Better Reality, to the Extent you Really Can! To Then Speak From and Of!

And They Really Can Do Far Better of Themself!, in Many an Area! Hey, -Many Many Other Communities Thruout this World Do It! (Because These Others Have their Accent on the Realistically Higher and Better!) Why Can't and Don't They?! (Because They've Got Their Accent On and Towards the Lower!).

And Many Many Thruout their Own General Ethnicity are also Very Upstanding and Decent as Well! Its Not Like Those Many Such Ones Aren't! I'd Like to Mention This in All Correctness and Fairness. Their Low Leaning Subset Can Give their Larger Group a Bad Name, a Bad Name that Such Decent and Upstanding Ones Don't Deserve! Their Low Looking Subset so Disserves Themselves!

Their "Reality Rationale" is at least Very Much a Cop Out! Its Not Like a Better Carriage of Oneself in Life Can't Be Done!

They are Like Someone who Utterly Messes Up their House! And Then just says that it is the Reality! When They Could and Should Have Kept It, Their Own House or Affairs, -Clean to Begin With! Thats What I Mean by a New and Higher Reality Standard! To Be Coming From! Which Incidentally IS Perfectly Doable.

Whatever Else has either Genuinely or Not Genuinely been Done Wrong to Them by Others in Society, -They Just Lean to and Come From the Low! In at Least Large Measure. I Don't Buy!, -Nor Respect!, -a Low Looking Cop Out Version, -of So Called Reality! That Old Dodge of Their's, -Doesn't Impress me!

And Then They Have the Additional Nerve to Just Callously and Thoughtlessly Impose this on OTHERS Around Them!!!!

And it's Not Only Others in Society who Put Them in such a Position or "Box". It's to Some Extent They Themselves Too.

And They Can and Should be Considerate About it! Commonly Decent and Considerate. Both In and Of Itself, -In it's Own Higher, Commonly Decent Right. And in Such a Common Consideration Toward OTHERS Around Them!

Anyone can Stoop Low and Lower! We're to Look and Reach!, to an All Round High and Higher!, Though!

I Give of course Many if Not All of Them, my Reasons, -in my Earlier Post within this Thread.

But a Topmost One Among Them!, -Has to be that it's Often Being Outright and Inconsiderately Blared About as it So Often Is!!!, -Is of Course a Real and Royal Imposition!!!!! A Trampling, Stepping, and Relbing on the Rights and Sensitivities of OTHERS!, -in the Society Around and About them!

Didn't a Woman, or Women, -in their Life ever Teach them Something About Considerateness and Manners?! If so, These dudes Evidently Didn't Listen! I Know There's Millions Upon Multimillions!, -of American and Other Women Around this World!, -Who Could Really Teach and Tell Them Many a Thing or Two About Such!!! Includeing So Many Admirable and Upstanding Such Women, -Among their Own Ethnicity and Demographic! -I am by No Means Suggesting that This Admirability There, is Outside of Thier Group!!

Regarding the Many Enuff Areas of Longstanding General Moral Slide in our Society, I'd Like to Say, -"Come On once Again Falwell, Robertson, Graham, Keyes, Quayle, and Bennett!, -Where Are You!? And your Ringing Moral Voice?! We Really Once Again Need You!" On our Moral and Family Values of Fronts!!! This Predominant and Prevailing hip hop and rap Cultural Subset as it Overwhelmingly Is!, -Being of course a Major Part of this All!

The Latest Low Dipping Occurring in Massachusetts!, (And Not All that Long Ago in California Too), -Should Only Underscore this Sore Need! I Must Personally Differ!, with the "Pro Crowd", on that Issue!

These Many and Various Moral Lapses and Slides, -Can Very Well Tie In with our National Survival! Which Can Very Well Depend on It!

Other Important "We Must Do's" Exist Too. Defense and Such. And Everyone and Everything in This Country or Free World West, -is By No Means, -a 100 % Immoral Devil or Something! We've Got a Lot of Good, Upstanding, and Decent People Around! They Exist in their Millions upon Multimillions! You See Them Everyday! It's Not All Bad! I even Dare to say that we are the Majority! (Though Perhaps Sometimes or Too Often, a Silent Majority! But We Shudn't Have to be Speaking About it Either!).

But We're a Good Ways Short of Being At our All Round Expected Best There! As a Society in General. So Lets Get Our Act There Together! Our General, All Round, National Moral Act. And Quit Slipping and Dragging There! We Should Be All Round Better of Ourselves than That!

So Quayle, Falwell, and Bennett and Co!, -Get Back in the National Fight and Ring Here! Back on the National Stage and Scene! We and America Need(s) You There!!! I Know it Can Seem Like You're Up Against a Wall!,....But America Really Now Needs You Here! (Ok, -That "Rant's" now over, -But it is Relevant to the General Topic here.)

But God Help Us with them!, the rappers and hip hoppers, -If Roles are Ever Reversed and the Shoe's on the Other Foot! Even Ever So Slightly!, Vis a Vis them! With They the rappers and hip hoppers!

By That, -I Only Mean that if we would ever either Actually, or to their Perception, -Imposingly or Inconsiderately Play our Easy, Classical, or Country Music, -Say!, -In their Prescence!

Let No Reader Get a Wrong Misunderstanding of That, here! By the Earlier Paragraph, I was *NOT* Speaking, Meaning, or Implying!, -of Proactivly Doing Anything Wrong or Improper Toward Them!!! Just So There is No Such Possible Misunderstanding here!, -From Any Reader.

I Could Say So Much More! -But Do These People Mind ?!?!?!?!?!!!!!! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]NY RAT[/email]

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (05/20/04 04:15 PM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#25136 - 11/12/06 09:49 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
wildman800 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 11/09/06
Posts: 2851
Loc: La-USA
The real question that determines music from garbage, to me is, "does it have socially redeeming value?"
The current Rap is NEGATIVE, in my opinion.
The best luck is what you make yourself!

#25137 - 11/12/06 10:00 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
Leigh_Ratcliffe Offline

Registered: 03/31/06
Posts: 1355
Loc: United Kingdom.
Nice to know that I am not the only person who thinks that Rap is spelt with a silent C. <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
I don't do dumb & helpless.

#25138 - 11/14/06 08:49 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
I don't happen to get your Meaning. Maybe I did mistype a "C" for a "P" in there somewhere. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]Leigh_Ratcliffe[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#25139 - 11/14/06 09:48 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
M_a_x Offline

Registered: 08/16/02
Posts: 1205
Loc: Germany
If I got it right the silent īCī is used as first letter in the word. Iīm not sure whether the result is considered a four letter word so Iīll skip the full spelling.
Rap music isnīt my style of music either.
If it isnīt broken, it doesnīt have enough features yet.

#25140 - 11/14/06 09:50 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.

well i love all kinds of music.rap,hip hop,rock,oldschool,old rock, jazz, tejano, kumbia, latin rap,etc.. i like everything except country music and emo music <img src="/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />(its like nails on a chalkboard to me)but thats just me.

rap is in a bad state right now.even proclaimed rapper Nas has released a abulm called"hip hop is dead". there are still many respectable rappers out there ,you just dont hear them all the time. me and a friend believe that when biggie smalls and tupac shukar died,rap died with it. alot of people look at these guys in a bad way,but had shukar and smalls had they been allowed a longer life,its highly possible he could of brought good change.they spoke their minds and didnt have nonsense music,they had power in their lyrics. if you read some of shukars lyrics withought the music alot of it flows like poetry.
at this point now hip hop is in a vulnerable state,its part of todays culture and thats just the way things work. if someone blast their speakers then o well,its a free country they can do what they like. and i also tend to blast some music here and there but only to good songs and not one hit wonders. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> some songs i cant just beliive were created. each era of time has there preferred choice of muic and all the genres and the language and slang thing well thats life too,everyone in america doesnt have perfect language and everyone uses a litttle slang. i speak respectfully when i need to but when im with my friends well i dont care,i just want to have some fun and not feel governed. but recently i have studied the effects of music and our mood and its all very interesting.certain types of music has a effect on our mood thus if we hear a song with a lot of beat to it,it raises our adrenaline and makes u pumped up and ready to party, and then you have motivational and sad music.
its amazing what music can do to us.

Edited by supermark (11/14/06 10:02 PM)

#25141 - 11/14/06 10:21 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Thanks, -I've got it now. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]M_a_x[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#25142 - 11/14/06 10:47 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Though I have covered a lot of bases, -with my Critique and Criticism here, -there are others I'm sure that havn't occurred to me, -and so have been left out. Plus this earlier post of mine, may well suffer from some of the Deficiencies, -of that earlier Writing Style time of mine! (Some doubtless still continue to exist).

So I should either Comprehensively Cover such a Greater Reach, -or attempt to *Adequately* cover a Smaller, more general, amount. (Akin to someone writing a reasonably Detailed Guide to our 50 American States, to give an example. One can't perfectly cover in all detail say 11 of those States, Partially cover in varying amounts 28 others, and say little to Nothing of the other 11 !). So I just give this little Cautionary Caveat of a Notice here! As to this earlier post of mine.

This all said and so, -I of course Remain very Turned Off to and Disapproving of Rap and Hip Hop! As we so overwhelmingly Know and have Known it !!!

Now if they'd Minus Out all of their UN-Acceptable and Utterly Objectionable LCD / LTN / and LOO Elements, -and were just Commonly "Upward" and Decent of themselves!, ( L.L. Cooljay's "I Need Love" comes to mind, from earlier Rap and etc of times), -then such Rap and Hip Hop would likely in my view be at least All Right and OK! But *NOT* with only more of their LCD Same Old Same Old, -as they only continue to stand now!

Enuff Clarifying Peace said on this by me for now! I *do* have some More Important / Better / and More Enjoyable things to be doing! In Life anyway!

I'll close by defining my aforementioned Acronyms, -

LCD = Lowest Common Denominator.

(We should rather put the Accent on going for our "Greatest Common Factor"! Or our all round, Higher, Better, and Truer Selves!).

LTN = Less than Noble.

LOO = Less of Oneself. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#25143 - 11/14/06 11:48 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.

LL Cool J is still the man in my book! <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> after all these years of being in the hip hop industry he still has it. all his songs and beats are great. i grew up on all his oldschool songs and i still love them.
my favorites are: Mama said knock you out(one of the best songs ever)
headsprung-- reminds me of partys and dances a few years ago...the good days.haha <img src="/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
jack the ripper
cant live withouht my radio
jingling baby
around the way girl
rock the bells
countless others
execuse me now i have the urge to go jam to some ll cool j <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

#25144 - 11/15/06 12:09 AM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Thanks for your Thots! Though here your Musical Tastes differs very much from mine!

I too Like and Love from a Broad Range of Music Styles or Genres! I Center primarily round 60s-70s Easy Rock! -Glen Campbell, Jackie DeShannon, Petula Clark, Joe South, the Peppermint Rainbow, the Fifth Dimension and Friends of Distinction, Brazil 66, Bobby Goldsboro, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap! Etc etc etc!

In the next layer around the Core of that "Musical Onion" of mine (to Recall Neuronboy's "Preparedness Onion"), -would come those Good and Great Ole 50s and 60s Oldies! Along with the Vast Majority of Country Music, a lot of Blues, Soul, and R & B, a Fairly Good amount of Jazz, a lot of the Gospel and some of the Christian, Adult Contemporary and Middle of the Road, -even some Disco! ("Do the Hustle!" from 1975 is one of my All Time Favorites! From all Music!). Closer to the Outer areas of that Onion would come some Classical etc, -and some other Category that I've just Forgotten! God there are also some Unmentioned Others! 70s Music generally speaking is Closer to that Core, and 80s, 90s, and 2,000s (Minus their Rap and Hip Hop of course!), -come in some of the next outgoing Layers. And I can't Neglect things like Patriotic and Christmas Music either! Even some Chilhood Nursery Rhymes, etc, -still have their Fond Appeal!

Generally speaking, -the Easier, the More Tasteful, the More Upbeat, and the More Inspiring and Meaningful the Music!, -the More it is there in or Near to my "Beloved Musical Core"!. The Louder and Lower it is!, -the Farther Outside!, -or even Beyond the Range!, -it is with me! The Vast Majority of Rap and Hip Hop, -so Qualifies in this my latter here! Along with Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, etc!

But I will say that the Hard Rock that I found Objectionable, and I was Turned Off to!, -back in my Younger Days, -now sounds like Paradise! Next to most Hip Hop and Rap!

At least Rock Says Something! Though I know you'll say, perhaps with some Correctness, that Rap and Hip Hop also does. Still Part for Part, Peice for Peice, -I think I can find 10 instances where Good Ole Rock and Roll!, -Really Says Something! Whereas Rap and all Doesn't!

So while I too am considerably Broad Ranged and Eclectic in my Musical Tastes, -and am Not Tied Down just Solely to my 60s-70s Easy Rock Centerpiece! -The likes of Rap and Hip Hop!, -certainly would *Not* be counted among them!!!

I'll try to Reply minimally here. Though it looks like I won't entirely suceed at that! After just having described my "Musical Onion", in the Above! But I'll still Try! -Due to this topic's quite OT / Off Topic nature, relative to "Survivi-Prep",-even here around the Campfire.

So now to Address and Respond to a few of the Obs and Points you've made,-

Well if its a part of the Larger Culture, and it undeniably is, -Then the Culture's gone Sad, Sick, and Pretty Far South!

And as I'm sure I said in my original post, -the Playing of such Large, Loud, Hi Volume and Hi Decibal "Music" *is* an Infringement upon Others! Surrounding Others.

There may well be some Good, Upstanding, and Noble Elements sprinkled thruout Hip Hop and Rap, -there may even be plenty more than a little, of such Sprinkling. Though much of this may also account only for an Apparent Facade of such.

But whatever the case there, -Still the whole overall Bag that it all comes in!, -is Bad! LTN, LCD, and LOO Bad!

I Hear what you're saying about Slang, "At Ease" time with your Friends, etc! But what I've said in the above paragraph, -Applies likewise here as well. As far as I'm Koncerned.

I mean all of the above, in a Civil, Constructive, and Respectful Way! And am *Not* all "Snap Snap Snap!" or "Ice Ice Ice!" at you, of a Way! Just so this is basically Known! As you may Well Know anyway, -had I not even said it!

And finally for a Constructive Comment on a part of your Post Signature. This does relate to Survivi-Prep. Where it says that you can't add time to your Life by Worrying on this or that!

First Off, -I Second that from you! In an all round, general sort of way.

But in Survivi-Prep, -the Gear you've got for yourself, the Practice you've gone about, the Know How that you've Read Up on or otherwise Acquired, the Fire, Shelter, and all that one's so Learned to Build & Maintain, -These *are* cases where some "Pre-Worry", -*can* definitely add some time to one's Life! I just wanted to make that Observation.

Concerning Rap and Hip Hop, -and what I and many others feel to be its Utter and Ultra Objectionability!, -It got so I had to *Stop* listening to Top 40, -back round 89 or so! And this from a guy who otherwise *wouldn't* have so Stopped! Rare Gems such as those by Selena, Celine Dion, and Vanessa William's "Colors of the Wind"!, -were indeed Sprinkled thruout! And I Unfortunately had to pretty much Miss a lot of them! Thats what you get though, -when you find the Gold buried in with the Predominant Gunge! But Top 40 and Rap had it!, -that I had to so Stop!

So it could in some ways be said, -that since I don't Listen, -How could I so Comment!? Well I *Can't* be Swimming in that Sewage filled Pool! Thus the Non-Listening!

But every time I yet again See and Hear a Hip Hop Rap Car go Blaring by!, -or otherwise have to Hear such in the Surrounding Culture that you speak of, -I Know that the Brap *hasn't* Ended! / Is Hot and Heavy as Ever! / And yet has No End in Sight! And so Know that I must continue to Sit this one Out! Here on my "Musical Jury"! [color:"black"] [/color] [color:"black"] [/color] [email]supermark[/email]

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (11/15/06 12:44 AM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#25145 - 11/15/06 12:16 AM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Thanks! We at least Agree on L.L. Cool J !

Now let me Try to Keep from Cluttering up this thread with Posts!

Enjoy your Cool J !

(So long as he also doesn't do what I'd consider "Bad Stuff"! But how would a "Forced" Non Listener to this whole Genre like me, -so Know!?). [color:"black"] [/color] [email]supermark[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#25146 - 11/15/06 08:33 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
brandtb Offline

Registered: 11/26/04
Posts: 512
Loc: S.E. Pennsylvania
Rap / Hip Hop makes my hair hurt.

That having been said, what about those ear plugs?

I wear them on the train to work so I don't have to listen to somebody yammering on the whole way to Philadelphia (who are they talking to at 7:00 in the morning?). But when I get off the train, I think it's dangerous to wear them on the street.

You have to be aware of your surroundings. Especially in the city, what with traffic and people who want to share your money.
Univ of Saigon 68

#25147 - 11/16/06 02:06 AM Re: Earplugs - ANy specific type?
Equipped4Chicago Offline

Registered: 10/09/05
Posts: 75
Loc: Chicago
I work in a loud enviroment ( in respects to not music but nature of tugs and big metal containers). I'm considering ear plugs. Is there a specific type? brand?

As with all items discussed in this forum, I'm sure there is. This forum helped me appreciate difference in whistles, firestarters, flashlights, etc. So I'm sure earplugs might have a word or 2 about them

#25148 - 11/16/06 04:48 PM Re: Earplugs - ANy specific type?
brandtb Offline

Registered: 11/26/04
Posts: 512
Loc: S.E. Pennsylvania
I bought a box of 200 sets from a web site (I don't remember which one) for about $20 plus S&H about a year ago. I got Howard Leight brand "Max Lite." They're foam, bullit-shaped, and last a long time. I use them for commuting, swimming, and sleeping. You can get them with or without neck cord.

Do a search on "howard leight" & Max Lite"
Univ of Saigon 68

#25149 - 11/17/06 12:25 AM Re: Earplugs for Sonic II
CJK Offline

Registered: 08/14/05
Posts: 601
Loc: FL, USA
I bought a pair of Sonic II ear plugs years ago. They claim to have an opening that allows for 'normal speech' to be heard but that 'closes' when loud noise is present. The metal insert that fits into the (I think) silicone is removable and allows the silicone to be cleaned. They have always served me well. They are very comfortable even for long term use. I would readily reccomend them.

Though I don't know exactly where to get them anymore.

#25150 - 11/17/06 02:55 AM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
311 Offline

Registered: 03/12/06
Posts: 285
The most important reason for wearing earplugs is to protect your hearing. Earplugs are not for wear on the street or in circumstances that dictate listening for hostile sounds. If you work in a loud area & don't wear them, your hearing may be damaged & inoperable when you need it most. I have found that in a noisy environment, I can understand speech better if I am wearing earplugs. I like the ones that are bell shaped of multicolored rubber. I got them from a past employer; they're supposed to be disposable but you can use them more than once. I do not remember the brand.

#25151 - 11/21/06 09:52 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Quite Right! I can't be Blocking Out *other* Important Warning Sounds! In the process of Blocking Out any "Rap Brap"!

Rap and even Rock too!, -at the Sound Levels often enuff played, -can of course damage and diminish one's Hearing as well!

And these Dudes Driving around "Blasting their Rap"!, -I don't know how they can Hear Important Roadside Warning Sounds either! Amidst all their "Clutter Jutter"! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]0311[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#25152 - 11/21/06 09:56 PM Re: Earplugs - ANy specific type?
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
I'm not in any Specfic Know, Sorry! But its quite Likely enuff that Others here are! If so, -Someone Please Answer and Help Out the Guy here!,... [color:"black"] [/color] [email]Equipped4Chicago[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#25153 - 11/21/06 10:00 PM Re: Earplugs for Another Purpose.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Indeed, -Can't be Blocking Out *other* Dangerous Warning Noises! Time to Take them Off, when say leaving the train. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]brandtb[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

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