MARK_M You make several good points. However, I just have seen so many jeeps with problems that the overall ownership experience doesnt sit right.
Sounds like the set up youre talking about would be in the extreme jeep realm, winches skidplates brusg guards etc. Our budget is very limited so I'm settling on an 01 RAV4L with 138k certified and for $6400. Its clean and its from a huge Nissan dealership that my son is second in charge of.
Toyota's get good reviews and this model does well too. With a little modification (I work at a collison repair shop) it will be just what I need.
Ive been rethinking the bug out plan due to the fact that we've no place to go to. After the advice of members of this forum, Ive given up on the notion of subjecting my family's safety to a tent in the woods. More than likely we'll head for my parents or son's house and being prepared folk; we will try to leave before everyone else.
Its a gamble. Id love a hopped up jeep or range rover etc but Im happy with our choice and the better gas milage we'll get. Besides, if it all
really falls apart TEOTWAWKI, then shopping for a new 4x4 will be eaisier