Originally Posted By: wileycoyote
Originally Posted By: spuds
Originally Posted By: wileycoyote
i'm with everyone else here:

-eneloops for everyday

-lithiums for storage in survival kits

-kirkland aklalines for back-ups only

Yup,one of my puck lights had a trusty leaky alkaline in it,what useless batteries they are!

sorry about your puck light, spuds.

yep, i've lost too many items to aklalines (and zincs) over the last 50+ years. even worse is to grab an item you need for immediate use, then find it unfunctional due to said leakage.

the only time i use alkalines anymore is when rechargeables aren't available, and i can remove the leaky b*st*rds once the task is accomplished.

I hear ya,only things I trusted alkalines in were high energy devices that wore em out in a day or so,like the Garmin GPS or walkie talkies....then I didnt have to remember if they were in an item or not,they were removed as soon as they died.How did my flashlights ever survive those things???

Puck light came with em,and snuck past me,oh well,they were dirt cheap fortunately.

Amazes me they cant make em that dont leak.