Being prepared for lots of things means that issues which would be a big problem for most, are just routine bumps in the road for us.

Digging out of a snow berm with your just-in-case shovel vs doing it with a credit card or bare hands is a great example!

I try to extend the execution of doing things earlier at a time and place of my choosing rather than waiting for the problem to my auto maintenance and home maintenance. And I have tools aboard the cars so I can even do some stuff in the parking lot of the auto parts store if necessary.

People look at me funny when I tell them I do these things but... I'm the guy who gets to work from 50 miles away when they can't manage it from 10..... I'm the guy who pulls out the folding shovel from the car when somebody says "boy, I sure wish we had a shovel...."

It's kind of a sickness :-)