I really wish I knew knots better! I picked up an old old booklette on how to tie knots but dang if I never bother to read it! I mean to learn one knot a week would be so easy but the few I know or mistakenly create seem to get me by.
Man, one of these days I gotta turn off the TV and spend my time more wisely
I use the commercial breaks to monkey around with decorative knots. As you learn knotwork, you'll notice there's a limited number of basic knots and most of the rest are just variations of them. For example: constricter, boa constrictor, strangle, and nail knots are all varients of the clove hitch. For beginners, I can recommend the $5 "Handbook of Knots and Splices" by Gibson.
The reality is I only use about a dozen knots for utility. Sheet bend, bowline, water bowline, constrictor, clove hitch, timber hitch, truckers hitch, figure 8, ashley stopper, surgeons knot, half hitches, and tautline (aka rolling) hitch.