If someone is interested , maybe there can be a thread about NON-MOTORIZED BOVs. In particular, I always thought about this bicycle idea with some ... what shall I say, there are better alternatives.

What I have in mind is a two wheel trailer/cart that you pull behind you will all weight on the wheels. Seems to me better alignment with your forward motion and more enenergy efficient than the bike.

The bik idea is better when you have a very narrow trail, but otherwise a cart seems to be better until someone convinces me otherise.

Detour end.
Back to track

I have the same dillema with rugged 4x4 vs a more civilized version. I do have a Toyota Land Cruiser but to climb Mt. Everst with one of these , you need a driver of the right caliber. I have scaled down my courage long time ago. When family is with me in the car, I will only drive through paved roads or short stretches of sandy roads. No 4x4 stunts , even if zombies are in my rear mirror.

So, for me a Subaru or Honda Element is OK. But then we get in some other problems. When you have a land cruiser or Toyota Hilux for example, you guarantee the availability of spare parts no matter where you are. Just look at the news , and see what everone is riding. From African warloards, or Lybian rebels, to Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, "Toyota" is always there on the screen.

YMMV, and no link to Toyota other than satisfied customer.

In a nut shell, alot of factors play a role in choosing the right BOV.