LOL,my baja bug was great in snow with chains but the wipers left lots to be desired.So Im in big time snow storm and pull to side of road to wipe window and parked it,right into a snow covered ditch!! Fellow came by in a truck and pulled me out,yup,felt sorta dumb on that one.
I had to laugh about the wiper reference. It made me remember my old '63 Scout and a friends old LR Defender 110, both with vacuum wipers and tiny engines. I once had to pull over about every other exit off the Interstate to wipe off the windshield in a snow storm. It got so bad that a Highway Patrolman noticed me and stopped by to see if I was having any mechanical trouble. He had noted that I kept leaving the highway. I think 1968 was the year that electric wipers were actually mandated, someone was thinking! We sometimes forget how primitive some vehicles were only a few decades ago. The old LR Defender had little manual handles for the wipers like an old army truck. That didn't work well either.