A pickup will have more space but is it secure space? One issue I have always had with pickups is the lack of rear wheel traction when really needed. They work well when loaded but on any slippery surface the rear is very squirrely when the bed is empty.
You make a lot of good points in your post.
True on the rears can be light,cant count the numbers I see in snow banks every season.2 wheel drive pickup going uphill in ice/snow,you gotta be kidding,stay home!
Now MY Jeep (YMMV),unlike my truck,is light and will sit there spinning tires bacause it cant hook up to ice then plow thru snow,not my truck. Though chains can make a difference to a point.....
Also good point on secure space.
My answer was a heavy 4x4 truck with a very heavy engine in front,the Cummins. Wont see my truck stuck in a snow bank,or unable to climb the ice chute they call the road to my house. Heavy (TRACTION) 4x4,Secure and great snow/ice tires and a pick up is a fine vehicle.

Plus your dogs can drive it in an emergency