So much depends on how far you need to go, how much stuff you need to carry and what kind of terrain and opposition to expect.
In some cases a bicycle would be sufficient. In others a fully stocked Army-surplus 2.5 ton truck and a fuel trailer wouldn't be enough.
Start with these considerations- (please don't post answers this is just food for thought)
Where are you bugging TO? How much of your stuff is there?
How much do you have to bring with you?
What will the roads be like? What will the alternate roads be like?
What weather conditions?
What are the road shoulders like? (When everyone runs out of fuel while sitting in a traffic jam ahead of you)
Will you have to drive off-trail to get around the jams?
Will you have to ford rivers and creeks to get around jammed bridges?
My personal answer is - a bicycle so I can get home from work to where my stuff is. I plan on bugging IN.