Best we can do is lead by example.Got a couple kids playing with gardens (One who said why bother,what a waste of time,I buy organic!) somehow saw the light.

Another one got into canning and dehydrating from goodies weve given them.

One thinks he should look into maybe some gold or silver for savings,thats my boy (THINKING,WOOHOO,and it only took until his 40's!!!) He got that idea from seeing the banks crumble and it actually gelled,we were astounded!

But all of it came from seeing us do it mostly,rarely does talking to em do more than make their eyes just glaze over.But some of it does stick,whether they realize it or not at the time,it does put a bug in their ears,even if its to ridicule us (The Yuppie/veg one does but he will learn),it does stick (Hence why obnoxious commercials work).

Really got a chuckle from the Yuppie/Ultra Liberal son (In College) who said we are racists, because we believe in Border Control and guns, and there should be no borders,KUMBAYA,Kumbaya!!... etc.....right until a neighbor was robbed at gunpoint by a Mexican National gang banger....and who proudly has a pistol and shotgun now,LOL! Yup,they do catch on,but slowly,oh so slowly.