I don't consider myself a "survivalist".
A "prepper" is better word to describe my attitude and startegy.
Anyway, don't worry. You are not alone.

Not only my family is non-preppers, NONE of the people I know , family, work, anywhere, are preppers. This is why I jumped half a planet over and landed in ETS for info and advice.

My DW used to ridicule or criticize me whenever I bought a few cans or bottles of grocery items ( long lasting stuff like honey or peanut butter). I din't force the preparedness because I knew the natural reaction will be negative. So, be patient and utilize opportunities as they present themselves. My opportunity came when food prices started climbing. Only then she saw it as "smart" to buy more foodstuff every time and be ahead of the game. Now , we mostly buy canned food by the case, not individually.

Like wise, she went to a marriage one time, and there was a power failure. She accepted afterwards to take a small flashlight in her purse.

So, take it easy , and go the "baby steps" way.