I've always liked adventure medical kits. I bought .7 lightweight for my car, and my mom's. They come in night "waterproof" bags, and they don't need much added/changed (imo) to be great medical kits.
Save a few bumps and cuts I have my own kit almost entirely unused. But I need to refill the medical supplies, preferably without spending same amount as a new kit. I normally go to mec for that but they don't have the refill kits, and adventure medical does not ship to canada.
If anybody has any suggestions I'd appreciate it. Local stores are pathetic, and prices are definitely more than online. I'm looking for the misc/ointments like; neosporin/Benzalkonium Chloride, Alcohol Prep Pad, Povidone Iodine, Afterbite, Burn Jel.
Thanks again