I never buy a knife that has serrations on the back edge of the blade. Can't even understand why they would be there. It just weakens the blade. Those kinds of blades remind me of the "Rambo" mentality - doesn't make a lot of sense.
While I agree that putting serrations on the back side of a knife probably weakens the knife, so does putting an edge on it in the first place. It would be much stronger as a solid 1/8" thick chunk of steel with no bevel or edge. My thought would be that if you want a knife with both a straight edge and serrations, you will do better not polluting one blade type with the other with a "partial" thing. Instead, keep them seperate - on opposite sides of the knife. Or, as I mentioned in an earlier post, get one knife with full serrations and one knife without. That would be better yet. If you require a super strong knife (for batoning I assume), I would recommend getting an axe or tomahawk instead. A straight edge knife. A fully serrated knife. And a tomahawk/axe. And a saw. That's the ticket. No compromises by combining functions into one tool.