Treeseeker, DS came across one of those at the store the other day, and he recognized it's potential as a survival kit container and wanted to test it out (usual disclaimers apply). Unfortunately, we haven't had an opportunity to test it or any of the others I've mentioned, what with school having started back, and football, and scouts, and getting the house ready for DS's birthday sleepover this weekend. All our schedules are crammed pretty tight atm.

On a somewhat related note, it looks like our choice of survival kit container (or the lack thereof) is just like any other piece of survival gear. There's lots of different options available, each with it's own unique capabilities and shortfalls. And just like any other piece of survival gear, each of us will test and evaluate them and pick the one best suited for our own individual needs based on our personal experiences and where our adventures take us.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?