There are times where a nicely packaged PSK works quite well, and there are situations where it doesn't. Like you,I usually am quite well equipped with the (pick a number between ten and fifteen) Essentials somewhere on my body as EDC; primarily because the firestarter, map, compass, knife, etc. will be used regularly - I don't usually need to lug around a bunch of redundant items, especially if I am on foot, which is typically the case.

Like many of us, I am redundant on fire lighting equipment. Typically I use a regular lighter as my ordinary fire or stove igniter, ut I do tuck away other means - matches, cotton balls, and sparkers as backups. Those goodies do indeed fit nicely into an Altoids tin.

Somehow I am not surprised that a small candy tin, designed for use and then discard, is not the perfect bulletproof container for long term storage of vital materials.
Geezer in Chief