Altoids tins don't come with an IP rating

You could aways put the Altoids tin in an Aloksak or equivalent waterproof sealable bag or vacuum seal or use some RTV sealant to seal the top and bottom edges.

Lofty Wiseman was wrong about his SAS combat survival tin

The idea for the SAS combat survival tin was that it was the same tin used for making rolly up cigarettes, whereby most nicotine addicts keep it on them all the time and don't really have a problem keeping their rolling tobacco dry. wink

Otterboxes and Pelican cases are excellent for keeping things waterproof, if you can accept the trade off for additional weight and additional bulk, which is a major downside if the idea is to keep the PSK on you at all times.

You may as well wrap everything in paper towel.

How did you keep your TP dry. I can't see me using a Pelican case for that. whistle