Expecting tape to make something water proof is unrealistic

Yup. Lesson well learned. I won't make that mistake again I assure you.

Where was that 3rd picture in your initial post in this thread taken?

Ottawa river. As you can see in the first two, it's usually pretty far across. That's why I switched to a sit on top model kayak. If you swamp, It's no fun getting all the way across to the shore to drain the boat. Every once in a while a motor boat would speed by, but not with enough frequency to rely on it for help.

Ocassionally the river branches off into smaller areas like in the third pic with tiny little islands everywhere. Once I gets my fishing license sorted I will be going back to that spot. Fish were jumping out of the water all around and I could see them swiming around the rocks. It may not look it, but the water there is very deep.

Edited by Stephen (08/14/12 06:49 PM)