I think around the campfire is fine. Here's why.

This is not a "survivalist" site - the basic tone and mission here assumes that the situations encountered are short-term for the most part (stuck on a mountain, ditched in the tundra), longer term for natural disasters (weather emergencies) and there's a bit of entertaining the "collapse of society" scenarios in the Urban forum.

Food applies in all of those situations, and differently. The food I pack in a briefcase for "surviving" in an airport for 3 days is different than the food I keep in the house for "surviving" a winter storm vs the food I bring on a road trip. Similarly, my ongoing pathetic attempts at meaningful harvests from gardening are interesting (did you know Tomatoes can have a calcium deficiency?), but discussing ways of attempting to be wholly "self-sufficient" in food you grow and eat has this interesting tendency to steer into TEOTWAWKI territory.

Finally, there's the structure of the site itself. We've been reticent to add sections because the more sections you have, the less community you get. Being "forced" into a place like Around the Campfire for all of the "other" topics actually increases the value of this site, by accidentally exposing you to topics that you didn't know you wanted to know about or maybe wouldn't have thought to discuss.

In conclusion, I think that Around The Campfire is perfectly suited to this topic.

And for those still reading - any neat soil prep tricks to prevent bloom-end rot? About 25% of my tomatoes were lost to it this year. I have basically no limits to the things I am willing to do to prevent it next year, up to and including buying soil for a 30'x30' garden, but simple would be better.