Semantics -- I always considered a forced landing as one where you pick a farmer's field or an empty road and put the plane down safely and walk away, with the plane resting on its landing gear but not on a runway. Some place much like the field the acft in this thread tried to take-off from. Landing an acft on a runway has often resulted in a crash (oops, missed it by that much).

Your thread was about choosing between a lake, river or tree tops for your forced landing, with a very high likelihood (IMO) of your Cessna 182 coming to rest much like the aircraft in this thread's video. Not on its gear and not in flyable condition.

It's a forced landing right up until your wing or prop makes contact with the first tree or sinks in 10 feet of water near shore (or not). The wording on your NTSB report will look much like this one in Guatemala with the words, "crashed during a forced landing" evident. Potato tomato If your forced landing results in the acft never flying again, that's a crash.

FWIW, $.02
Better is the Enemy of Good Enough.
Okay, what’s your point??