Originally Posted By: Roarmeister
Originally Posted By: Jarvis

So much for picking your place to crash.
Forced landing - not 'crash'. Very big difference.

Not being a pilot, I fail to see any distinction at all when it comes to this video. This was a crash, IMHO.

I thought the post-crash reactions interesting and telling. I can understand the dazed look of trying to comprehend what just happened. I can even understand the idea of trying to document the crash scene. What I can't understand was the lack of empathy and assistance for the pilot. The one camera operator looked like he was more interested in documenting the injuries to the pilot's face than giving him first aid!
Yeah, that sure looked like a reasonable approximation of a crash to me. I'm not a pilot either, but I've spent a fair bit of time in small aircraft, and I didn't get a sense these guys had their act together. And I agree, the lack of concern for their buddy didn't give me warm fuzzies either.

The older I get, the more particular I get about who I fly with. I want the chance to get even older!
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz