Done cpr idk 200 times ? I can count on one hand folks who came back and lived. 99% needing crp are old with years of health issues,not going to happen.

Now a young healthy person, IF it is witnessed, and crp started right away and defib soon after ya got a chance. My BC saved a guy at the gym, as well as my crew at a gym kinda. That place is always full of DR's and the head cardiac surgeon from a heart hospital started to work on him with in seconds. ..

Look I worked a few wind storms and the FD ( we got 20 co's)was backed up HOURS, just due to some limbs and wires down.

One blizzard we could not get through, trucks got stuck or blocked by stuck cars and trucks. Car fires burned themselves out before we could ever get near . We ran out of o2 before the ambulance crew ( after getting stuck and walking) could make it in.

I recommend good life and home insurance .

Numbers to our firehouses are not given out as folks would call the wrong ones,or we would be out and that wastes time .You can use the pull box out front then if were out another co. will be dispatched to that firehouse.Also at times of widespread emergency at least one rig per house would be parked out front,to make it noticable.

But in cities folks seem to know where are .

Edited by THIRDPIG (08/03/12 01:27 AM)