Running a fan,a CF Light bulb and a string of LED lights
Click to enlarge photos

Costs for this system retail is 259.00 for Gel cell sealed 12 volt solar battery
About 800 to a thousand for the panels (nowadays figure 2 dollars/watt,so 250 watts is 500 bucks)
Charge controller is 120 dollars (now about 55)
Cheapie inverter 300 watts is 40 bucks or so.
I had the wire.
Total is new retail is 1200-1400 dollars--------------------------------------------------------------------
From Craigslist....used stuff
I paid 35 dollars for the panels,one was free because it was covered in Calcium (got it pretty clean with CLR,output is at specs),and other 70 watts I got for 35 dollars because frame is bent (Eventually bought about 3000 watts of used panels from him at 2 dollars a watt)
The controller was hooked to a panel I bought,gave to me free.
Battery free for testing it for guy I bought solar from.(He had a source to buy a ton of em from a hospital replacing their 2 year old back up batteries) Later bought more from him at 50 bucks each,three years later still are awesome.
Inverter 40 bucks.
I had the wire.
Total cost used parts and freebies....75 dollars!!!.........
Added this....
Got those other three panels hooked up to the house battery backup batteries.10 amps now going into those.
I have a 12 volt tractor light I got at thrift store,35 watts,that will run off the barn system from the morningstar controller
Added 20 amp fuses to battery line and solar panel line as its a 20 amp 12 volt Morningstar Charge controller...
The 2 wires on the left are coming from the solar panels.The 2 wires in the middle go to the batteries.The 2 wires on right go back outside and power the porch ligh as this controller has the optional light control circuit.

6 Deka batteries and small inverter,6 more Dekas coming hopefully....

Inspected and passed by Code Enforcement...

The Porch light.....
My Latest project,all from Thrift Store parts so dirt cheap.I have no idea cost,last basket was 28 dollars and included 2 of the 35 watt tractor lights and the bracket.
I bent the bracket into a shape I liked...
Click to enlarge pics,lower resolution pics so dialup friendly

Run wires through wall to Charge Controller timer circuit,they are the 2 wires on Right.See,solar even loves
me,wires are an upside down heart,LOL!...

All wired up...

It works! All set up to run 3 hours after dark and 1 hour before Dawn.That Morningstar Controller is fine!

Im sure Mrs will paint it up real cute (edit,She did,looks great),but pretty cool light,eh? I went out at night and it lights the whole backyard,Nice! And on free sun power,gotta love it!
