Thanks Ian and Izzy

If I hire a generator, I will not be able to hook it to the house wiring 'cause it is opened up and under maintenance. So, it means a using generator with a cable running through the kitchen and living room for a few lights and maybe an AC unit.

Good you mentioned the truck mounted generator.
I do hope they think of that , but I still worry it won't handle the load of multiple AC units per house. Not everyone will accept to "camp" in one room for a few days until it is over.

Another option is to rent a furnished flat for a few days or a few weeks. I have seen some folks do that when their homes have a serious problem. It will be sort of a "bug out" to another part of town where the work has finisehd or not started yet.

I am going to definitely consider that as a plan B or C.

However, if I stay home, are there any more preps that can smooth the ride in addition to or instead of a generator ?