I'm looking too ... I am now EDC-ing a Fenix E01 (in fashionable purple no less) I picked up on our father's day weekend getaway to Tennessee. No, it wasn't an impulse buy, I picked it up out of necessity when the Leatherman S2 I got at Christmas decided to crap out on me.

On an interesting side note, after I got home, I put the Fenix head cap on the Leatherman and it worked again so it is definitely a problem with the circuitry in the head cap of the Leatherman. I actually liked that light, it looked nice, had a pocket clip, and had two light modes (which the Fenix E01 unfortunately doesn't seem to have). That said, I am fairly pleased with the Fenix so far. I have it clipped to the whistle I added to my EDC and both ride in my left front pocket. So far so good.

Still looking for a replacement for that mini-mag lite that was the victim of a leaky battery. I like a lot of the options mentioned in this thread but before spending such big bucks on a flashlight, I'd really like to be able to see it firsthand and that is a problem in my area.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?