Raindrops on canvas (or nylon) are wonderful. Chunks of wood are the opposite of wonderful. In the last while, I have found good reason to echo Martin's discomfort.

One of my favourite campsites (in a national park) had a microburst come through a couple of years ago. Dozens and dozens of honking big spruce trees were snapped off at 3-4 feet and laid down neatly in the same direction.

One of these was right across the place where I had set up my tent the year before.

Now, I make it a practice to scan for large dead branches or trees -- the classic widowmakers. But I had the opportunity to look at the carnage. No rot or damage to these trees: they were healthy, solid, and in the prime of life.

I will still go camping, including in this place. But nature peeled a layer of smug off of me, right then and there.