Originally Posted By: MartinFocazio
Perhaps it's this news article that gets me a little worried about tree branches:


An adult sycamore tree, weighing several thousand pounds, fell on top of the family's tent about 6 o'clock this morning, Tang-Smith said. State park police arrived about 6:15 a.m. and found the man and his wife inside.
Tang-Smith said the Somerset County family had been camping with their children, a 10-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl, as well as a 9-year-old cousin. Authorities said the children were unharmed. It was not clear where they were when the tree fell.

Happened just a few miles from me...I know guys who were on the call. It wasn't even bad weather...it just fell.

The solutions for this problem is fairly simple. Don't camp under trees with large branches. They are frequently referred to as "widowmakers." A properly maintained campground will prune their trees of such hazards.
Geezer in Chief