Originally Posted By: Alex
Meanwhile, I have started watching Les's "Survive this" show with my 12yr old. Quite amusing and educational show indeed. Especially when you realize, that in a dare survival situation a little scared kid inside you or others may step forward more than one can expect.

I liked the season 2 of "Survive This" a bit more than the 1st as he patterned it to be more like a youth version of Survivorman. Above all, Les wanted no comparisons with "Survivor". No social games and voting people off. He wanted people to take outdoor survival seriously and not as hyped up game. He got a fair bit of critism of Season 1 in the way it was edited on the personalities of the kids so they did some tweaking for the second season. The methods and scenarios the kids go through seem to be good lessons for novices and John Q Public rather than a hard core survival crowd which is the intent of the show in the first place.