Originally Posted By: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor
The DC-4 or DC-3 Sharpener is essential, especially for the harder powdered ZDP-189, Lam.SGPS and 3G steels.

The capability to resharpening in the field is often overlooked with these expensive stainless super steels.

As I understand it, the DC3 & DC4 are fine diamond on one side and fine ceramic on the other.

Based on this, I'm thinking that any good diamond whetstone, or even a compact field-sized diamond sharpener, would be sufficient. I could then use one of my existing ceramic sharpeners for the finer edge as desired (according to my understanding of Fallkniven's sharpening instructions at least).

For example, I am thinking of picking up something like the DMT Fine Whetstone or even just the DMT Fine Mini-Sharpener for now (the latter being more likely to make it into my bag when I head out the door).

Any thoughts on whether this plan is good, bad, or otherwise?

Another field sharpening option worth mentioning here is Fallkniven's D3t stone. This is the diamond side of the DC3 with a tape backing that allows it to be fixed to the F1's sheath like this:

Image Source (from britishblades.com)

One disadvantage I see to this is that the stone will cover up the 2 holes at the bottom of the sheath. I don't think this is the route I'm going to go down, but it might be of some interest to others here.
Victory awaits him who has everything in order — luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck. Roald Amundsen