I copied you (but not blindly) and got an F1 a couple days ago. Your mentioning it in various posts got me to seriously check them out. Nice knife. Very "plain" and functional, solid, balanced. Suits my hand size, etc. etc., you know the rest of the good stuff.

I have been too embarassed to ask how to tie it around my leg properly, it seemed like such an obvious thing. Google didn't help, I guess because I called the thong thing a thong, you can imagine lol. I've never had a sheath with a tie point before. But I'll ask here since you seem to do it. The problem I have is when I sit or crouch down, then the thong is too tight. If I loosen it up, then it doesn't do its job when I'm walking. Maybe I'm just not doing it at all right, or misunderstand its purpose (to keep the sheath from swinging/moving?).