That's looks like a cool device. It's small and inexpensive, so why not throw it in a kit?

I'd throw it in a kit, but I still have a couple of criticisms about these little sparkers. One is you need specialized tinder. It's going to have to be cotton or similar, and it can't be a little wet. The sparker is going to throw not nearly as many sparks as a ferro rod and scraper.

Another criticism is that a Mini Bic requires less room overall than this sparker from Countycomm. Here's why. For this sparker from Countycomm, you will need to carry tinder within a case (preferably waterproof). In contrast, a Mini Bic includes a sparker and tinder all within one unit that costs about a dollar, and you still have the sparker on a Bic if the fuel runs out for whatever reason.

Could you fit this Countycomm sparker and its tinder into a container that's smaller than a Bic? Perhaps you could with some ingenuity. Let's suppose you could. You then have to ask yourself, is that package more reliable/useful/convenient than a Mini Bic? The Mini Bic, a humble little device, sets the bar pretty high.
If you're reading this, it's too late.