Sorry Izzy, guess I did ask a lot all at once there.

I have a couple of new rolls of Gorrila tape but havn't broke into them yet. I have been using the issued army OD tape. Man what a mess that stuff makes when it warms up or gets wet. Goo all over everything. I am looking forward to trying the new tape out (usually wrapped around my lighter)I kayak a lot so its going to get wet.

As for prying, that little strip of metal dosen't look all that strong. I guess I could be wrong. I have a few Boker prybars(the titanium ones with the little glass punch) I wish you guys had a buy/sell/trade section on here so I could offload them. I EDC the leatherman skeletool and find the plier head makes a way better prytool than the screwdriver does actually. Probably because it's thinish and flat.

As for the whole man bag thing. Well....To each his own I suppose. I don't care how it would look to anyone else, I just don't like being attached to something that big when out and about in surburbia. My solution to the whole "how do I carry all this in my pockets" debate is rather obvious.

I Wear stuff with more pockets.

If I can't fit it in a pair of cargo shorts I probably don't need to EDC it.