Originally Posted By: cfraser
Let's face it: guys use the bulging keychain EDC only because they don't want to carry/wear a pouch or small man-bag. Right? Otherwise it doesn't make sense. I'm right with you there, wish I wasn't...

I carry a man bag everyday, and keychains are perhaps more necessary to keep things organized in my bag. Otherwise, I'd spend 30 seconds trying to find my flash drive or whatever else. By the way, I don't care what a man bag looks like to others. I'm not "trying" to be a man. I just am.

I recommend a man bag for all men carrying anything beyond keys. I mean seriously. I can't imagine how some guys are carrying their wallet, cell phone, knife, keys, lighter, flashlight, pill case, flash drive, whistle, gum, notes, bandana, and whatever else in their pockets. Some guys top it off with a handgun and a spare magazine on their waist. I would look ridiculous if I tried that.

It took awhile to find the perfect bag, but once I did, I'm never going back to carrying stuff in my pockets only to empty all the stuff at the end of the day and then start over the next day.
If you're reading this, it's too late.