Preferably it would fit in a bob or something I could carry on belt in a sheath, or clipped.
Did I miss something? I saw no mention of being limited to EDC. I was thinking the headlamp would fit nicely in a BOB (Bug Out Bag) ... that's how mine is carried.
I carry an ARC AAA LED light in pocket, EDC.
Ahhhh.......Son of a.........
No. I had EDC on the brain and didn't notice the word BOB added in there. (
slaps self up side of head)
For a BOB, nothing would beat a good headlamp. Hands down. I have a browning black ice that I cannot kill. I am waiting for it to break so I can get something else but its tougher than hell. Not very bright, but bright enough. The colored LEDs are excellent for hunting (as designed)
Still kinda funny picturing you walk around all day with a headlamp on though.