Leaving our house for a wildfire? Definitely. Leaving our house for a power outage? Not likely. But then we are not as dependant on the grid as a lot of people so I could certainly see where that could be an issue. We live in a rural area, have a gas stove for cooking and a fireplace for wood cooking in an extended event if absolutely necessary (it would be miserable this time of year I know but in an emergency you do what you have to). But I digress from the thread at hand.

What do we take that’s practical? Our Bug Out Bags with all the necessities (well they will be after we’re done anyway). Important papers binder. Extra rope, tarps, water, food, clothing, bedding. Tents, camping chairs, propane camp stove if time allows.

What do we take that’s sentimental? Honestly, have been so preoccupied just tying to get the BOB’s lined out with the necessary stuff, I haven’t given this much thought. Pictures I suppose, not sure what else. We’re not really that sentimental and will be happy just to be alive.

What do we take that is medically necessary? My insulin without a doubt (my plan is to have an extra vial or two with syringes and alcohol swabs in a kit that gets rotated out when I get a prescription refilled). I’d like to have it waiting in the bag but since it really needs to be refrigerated this may not be an option. DS could survive without his ADD meds. DW should have her prescription meds waiting in her bag (rotated regularly) as well.

Have we thought about our pets? No pets to speak of other than a beta fish, and honestly if we’re bugging out I’m thinking that’s the last thing we’ll be concerned about.

Have we thought about visitors? Hadn’t thought about visitors per se, although I have been packing our BOB’s with more than enough stuff for us (such as a decent nylon poncho as well as an emergency/disposable one, extra emergency blankets/shelter items, and so on) with the original intent being to be able to share with any less fortunate than ourselves, but could easily work for visitors as well (as long as there aren’t too many).

This is yet another reminder we need to do an important papers binder (and I need to search for what those important papers should be because atm everything I can think of can be obtained from other sources – deed on file at the courthouse, insurance documents available online). I also recall reading somewhere about someone who kept their bugout items in totes with large numbers written on the side (the lower numbers being the highest priority of course). I don’t recall if it was here or on another forum. At any rate, the plan was that he/she would start loading the totes in numbered order until they ran out of time.

Found it here:


Edited by Mark_Frantom (07/03/12 03:05 PM)
Uh ... does anyone have a match?