Great thread! There's already been a lot of ground covered so I'll just add one personal observation.

One of the things I love about this forum is the respect we show to each other, newcomers included. We don't think so highly of ourselves that we discourage people from contributing. A couple of other forums that I have visited make it difficult for newcomers, by complaining about new threads or questions about previously discussed topics, like there will never be anything new under the sun. It,s almost like they're saying "If you haven't found your answer here yet, you must not be studying us very hard.". Those same forums tend to also give people grief for reviving an old thread, or for using terminology in a way that doesn't jive with the forum view. We're not like that here, for the most part and I really appreciate that.

Jacqui from Ontario, Canada, eh!
Happy Canada Day my fellow Canuckians!

Edited by bacpacjac (07/01/12 12:16 PM)
Mom & Adventurer

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