This forum is often more than just a forum,It is a Think Tank!There are folks from every walk of life,& from Every Continent,less Antarctica,that post their Q&A,Experience,Knowledge,&General Interest that pertains to being Equipped To Survive or at least in the vicinity thereof.Everyone has a valid reason for Not posting their names,&I give respect to that,Afterall this is all part of the info highway,things can get misconstrued or exploited or worse!I readily admit,I, personally have given my share of poor quality & distasteful humor at times,but I also have apologized for such as well!99% of the folks here act within this realm,That's what makes this place,So Enjoyable & Credible!I have used & trusted a Whole lot of info from this site,Thank You to Doug Ritter,for creating this place! CHEERS!