Pretty much agree w/ all that's said. This forum tends to be relatively civil. Even our arguments usually tend to be straightened out a page or 2 later - usually a result of misspeaks or other errors in communication, as opposed to outright hostility or deceit.

While I tend to agree that most of us are just handles on the computer, I notice most of us put pictures up. I assume we're posting our real faces. That says a little about honesty, I guess.

Like some others, I think that this forum, as opposed to many others, has a lot of respect. There's at least a dozen folks on here I wouldn't mind having dinner with, going camping with, etc. No pen pals, though! I'm waiting for the first big ETS wedding (and, no, I'm not hitting on Jeanette, or Dagny, or any of the other gals, so don't think it's going to be me!)

And, btw, we did have a pretty big credibility hit last year (or was it 2 years ago?). One of the mods might have over-exaggerated some claims. Not really sure the specifics - by the time I was aware of it, things had started to blow over. And yet, it was handled pretty professionally and life moved on. I don't know if that person was ever proven to be an imposter, an over-exaggerator, or actually was bona fide, FYI.