Originally Posted By: Chisel
This is funny ( for me) because in my corner of the world , we had two rival forums and one died BECAUSE OF STRICT RULES cocerning credibility. One role , for example, that members post with their REAL names and authenticate their claims. Or else find another forum.

Members from the other forum joined to laugh at it and promise it will close down " cause 'everyone' wants to feel 'free' to say their thing without someone breathing over their necks".

I was a member of the good forum and sadly saw it close down. The 'other' one is still going strong , but full of censored.

I suppose it's because I am new to the whole forum thing, but I hadn't realised there were rival forums. That's kinda interesting. Was the good forum the one the made you post your real name or was it the other one?

I guess over time people who have been on a forum a long time with each other develop a certain repore. I can't wrap my head around why you wouldn't post under your own name though actually. Maybe it's just me, but when someone posts under their own name I feel that persons information is a little more trustworthy for some reason.(I have a feeling I am about to get rubbed through the coals for that comment) but it's true. A forum is still a forum and I believe you use what your read at your own risk, but if someone posts advice as who they really are as opposed to hiding in the shadows it gives theam a tad more personal credibility IMO. A +1 to put it in forum jargon.

Edited by chaosmagnet (06/30/12 08:21 PM)
Edit Reason: See above