"Take work gloves with you. Why ? Cause when you have a flat and loosen the wheel nuts and put them aside with the tools (on the hot aspahlt no less), it only takes the few minutes you bring the spare tire and try to pick the wheel nuts or wrench again, OUCH !!! They are HOT . Trust me !!"

That's true.
The problem with the direct heat from the sun - is that there's absolutely no shade out there. Anything metal gets really hot - really fast. So does the asphalt. It would be worthwhile to have a small tarp or a piece of canvas that you could throw on the ground, just in case you need to kneel to do any work. Likewise, if you get stopped for some reason, you could throw it over your head for shade.

There are no trees in the desert. There are no buildings nearby the road, except at isolated towns. If you get stopped and you are on the open road in the middle of the day - you are directly in the suns rays. It's not a fun experience :-(
