Thanks everyone. Chaos, I NEVER take anything anyone says here as criticism. We are all here to help each other and learn from each other. I welcome all comments good and bad, it's the only way to learn and grow. This is why this forum is the first (and only) place I come to to ask these kinds of questions. Lots of great and useful info already. Also, I'd like to add some additional info and add to my questions just a bit.

First off, I am emptying my pockets of the things I am currently 100% in the habit now of ALWAYS carrying with me: SAK with attached Swiss-Tech mini pliers, mini-Bic, Fenix EO1 with whistle attached, office keys with attached cheap-o LED pinch light that has lasted a SURPRISINGLY long time (esp through the week but also on the weekends or anytime I know we will be in the general area of the office), big red bandana, and billfold. I plan to add a garbage bag or possibly an emergency blanket of some sort to wrap the bandana around, some additional EDC essentials to my billfold (that will be for another thread) such as a CC with duct tape and black tape wrapped around it and some minimal first aid items. In addition, during the work week, I always carry a lunchbox (to carry my lunch, drinks and snacks in) and a bag (think the reusable shopping bag type here, not a man bag) with my insulin and any other necessary materials I might need on any given day (such as handouts or outlines for the scout roundtable meetings). The bag and lunchbox ride with me to and from work everyday, and stay by my desk during the day, but I am not usually in the habit of carrying them on weekends, with the exception of carrying the bag if we are gone for a while and I know I will need my insulin before returning home. Now that you know what I currently EDC and what I plan to add, let's move on.

Second, I am not really sure how I should consider my keychain in the overall scheme of EDC. Should it supplement what I always normally carry? Should it duplicate what I usually carry (as a just in case kind of thing)? Or both? I am all for some redundancy but I don't want to get carried away with it (always a problem of mine, in addition to frequently adding too much, which is the main reason I STILL can't seem to EDC an altoids tin sized mini-kit, not enough room for what I want to carry).

Third, my keyring itself is one of those snap carabiners, with a heavy duty strap that is attached to the carabiner on one end and a split ring at the other. The only keys I carry right now are a key to my truck, a key to DW's van, a house key, and 2 padlock keys. So I have the option of either clipping my keys to a belt loop via the carabiner, or putting them in my pocket for more discreet carry (the Carabiner keyring may not be for everyone but it has been a godsend for me, I am forgetful and easily distracted and would often lose my keys by setting them down absent-mindedly and forgetting where I left them).

The more I think about it, the more I am leaning towards the idea that the keyring should supplement my current EDC with maybe one or two duplications, like an extra light and maybe a peanut lighter (I really need a good excuse to buy one of these laugh ). I also know it seems like I am CONSTANTLY on the search for something to write with and something to write on, so eventually I'd like to add a small notebook to my EDC and add the ink pen suggested to my keychain. I'd still like some more input. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far and to those who might add additional info.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?