Well I'm under the impression that we can talk about machine guns, tanks and benefits of 88s over standard artillery. We can talk about anything as long as it serves some kind of purpose and it is a constructive discussion. Minute it becomes a flame war or a stand off or just pure provocation than the discussion doesn't serve any purpose and we are wasting each other time. Everyone has an opinion and they have a right to defend it, but they also should know where to quit and be a bigger man or when to ignore something.

If the individual that was a reason for this post showed up and asked what we think about a 9mm handgun as a hunting/survival weapon he would have gotten a wild range of responses that would probably branch out into discussion of long rifles, different calibers and probably no firearm survival at all. I know from experience that this works because I was asking similar question when I was getting my Springfield Scout. But if you come down here and say that you can shoot off rabbits ear from 500 yards with a 9mm while plowing your cornfield and reading newest NRA magazine I find it maybe impressive (heh) but also ignorant. I think that I will never stop learning in life especially from such diversified crew as we have here on this board. And it doesn’t matter if your are older, younger or French* or Polish. Many of us became friends here and we have respect for each other. It doesn’t matter how many posts you have, you will get treated with the same respect you deserve.

Honestly if you feel that you can fit a bazooka in your pack and carry it as a survival weapon hey it's your choice. On the other hand if you are planning a totally firearm free survival than you will have my ear as well.

In conclusion Scott I don’t think posts about firearms will be deleted. Only the ones that are stupid and don’t have any educational value. And we experienced few of them cutesy of billysomething. But this also extends to other types of posts that have no place here.


*Frenchy no hard feelings I’m trying to make this post little lighter…
<img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />