Pardon me, Please Martin, for using your Post as a Reply, but I wanted to do so with the most recent Post in this Thread.

I Stand Entirely Behind Chris's Decision in this recent, particular case. Concerning the Impropriety which may very well have been going on.

But at the Same Time, I would Hope that this Doesn't Extend to All Firearms Threads which *Are* within all "Topical Permissability", and Within the Spirit and Purposes of this Site / Forum. I would Hope we are Not Throwing Out some Good Babies with any Bathwater, in the Process.

And this comes from one whose personally Not all that much into Firearms.

I would Hope that Entirely Responsible Past Threads, such as the one on the "Lowly .22", are Still Around.

As with Discussing how to build an Emergency Fallout Shelter in the event of Nuclear Occurrances, is within the Spirit / Permissability of this Site, -While the Politics and all of it is Certainly and Rightly Not within our Scope. -This Same, I Beleive holds True for all Prpoer Discussion of Firearms. I've seen this Clearly Stated in the past.

I would Really Hope that we are Making all the Proper Differentiations and Distinctions here. Maybe we Fully Are.

The Pitching of the Recent Offending / Contrary Post and Thread, certainly was the Proper, Called For, Decision. That refers to Bathwater. Other Responsible Firearms Related Posts, I would Really Think to be Babies. Grunge and Glop No, -Gems and Gold, -Yes!

I have Not yet gone back to see, the Status of such prior Posts, but to see " Thread*s* Eliminated", as oppossed to "*Thread* Eliminated", Does concern me.

It can be Very Understandable to eliminate the Bunch, in the recent circumstance, but I really Hope we're Not throwing Good Babys out, with Bad Bathwater!

I just Want to Helpfully and Constructively make Mention of this. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.