Nah Blue Flame,

Didn't offend me a bit!!! In fact I was impressed.. You showed remarkable restraint. My posts on the otherhand would have sounded like an angry drill sargeant yelling at a recruit.. ( imagine Full Metal Jacket - my posts would have made that film seem like "the muppets take manhattan"!! )

I can't stand chest beating, and the putting down of others beliefs/feelings. It's a typical bully mentality. I despise bullies..

Even though I'm new here in the forum, I viewed it for a while before joining. I was, and still am particularly impressed with the civil nature people demonstrate here. No flaming, no put downs, just a group of people from all walks of life that are truly interested in the fieldcraft of survival.

Equipped To Survive is a rarity. Almost all other sites i've visited have had a political, religious, or monetary gain adjenda to it. A bunch of kooks trying to convince one another they're right.
Doug and Chris have done a great service to folks like us with this site from the gear reviews, the stories, to this forum.. I hope it stays around for a long time..

victory begins with a mindset...